Dear Friends,
The uncertainty that hangs over the nonprofit sector feels so heavy. Following the flurry of Executive Orders and threats to federal funding, that initial shock and stress has, for many of us, turned into anxiety. We’re worried about what will happen next to our organizations, those we serve, our staff, and our families. And on a larger scale, we’re worried about the impact to our communities. It can all feel overwhelming.
This moment calls for two things from us nonprofit champions. First, to serve our constituents well, we must remain thoughtful and skilled in responding to these new circumstances. Second, we must tend to our mental well-being, so we can sustain this good work for the long haul, especially amid more challenges to come.
Mindfulness is no cure-all solution, but it can provide a helpful set of tools for us to rise to the occasion of this moment. As Jon Kabat-Zinn described it, mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, without judgment, then choosing your behavior.
Here are some basic mindfulness practices to help us all deal with spiraling stress and anxiety:
There are many helpful mindfulness resources online and locally to help you to cope with stress and anxiety and serve others in a sustainable way:
You don’t need to be an expert meditator with a gong and a cushion; simple mindfulness tools can help you manage your stress, treat yourself with kindness, and show up as your best self to the good work that is yours to do. We’re here to help support you and your organizations however we can.
With gratitude and admiration for everything you do to serve our community,
You can learn more about the Earth & Spirit Center and
the Institute for Applied Mindfulness at these hyperlinks.
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Louisville, KY, US 40202
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