CNPE is a convener and connector both within the nonprofit sector (organizations, funders, and friends) and across sectors (including for-profit and government). We often see tremendous synergy, new ideas, and unexpected alliances emerge when people are brought together in a safe, energizing space with a bias toward action.
CNPE is a convener and connector both within the nonprofit sector (organizations, funders, and friends) and across sectors (including for-profit and government). We often see tremendous synergy, new ideas, and unexpected alliances emerge when people are brought together in a safe, energizing space with a bias toward action.
Webinars and Gatherings We have convened the entire community to hear fresh thinking from leaders like Dan Pallotta, Susan Taylor-Batten, and Phil Buchanan. In 2022, we held some of Louisville's best run and best attended virtual mayoral forums - allowing nonprofits to put questions directly to the candidates. In 2023, we hosted our first "Meet The Mayor" reception, giving those in the nonprofit world an opportunity to hear from our new mayor about how he would work with nonprofits. In 2024, we have launched our "Nonprofit Power Hour" speaker series, sponsored by Pinnacle Financial Partners. These are dynamic, free events offered at no cost to the community that bring nonprofit leaders together to discuss important issues like team building and crisis communications.
The School for Fundraising & Engagement The School for Fundraising & Engagement has brought together both mentors and participants from across the community to enhance the fundraising skills of newer and smaller nonprofit staff and leaders who may not otherwise have access to quality training.
Job Board: Our nonprofit job board lists about 400 postings year, helping area nonprofits connect with the staff they need to live out their missions. Job postings are free to member organizations and to all job seekers. Check it out here.
BoardMatch Finding local individuals who share a passion for your mission, and then inviting them to serve on your board or board committees can be daunting. We help you make those connections through BoardMatch.
After a pandemic related break, our annual conference returned in a big way in 2023. The sell-out event featured dynamic speakers, breakout sessions, recognition of outstanding accomplishments, and a rare opportunity to meet with leaders and staff from nonprofits and foundations of every size and mission. Read more about it here.
Community Activation Network (CAN)
CAN is a network of people and organizations nurturing a thriving nonprofit ecosystem of inclusion, co-creation, and interdependence. We consider how nonprofits can help address our community's most pressing problems. Learn more. Past topics have included violence in our community and workforce issues facing the nonprofit sector. To suggest a topic, please contact Ed Cortas at
Got a question? We’re here to help.
CNPE’s Community Activation Network (CAN) can be your primary networking vehicle. Begun in the fall of 2019, the group convenes every month on Zoom to consider pressing issues. Get details here.
Our School for Fundraising & Engagement has brought together both mentors and participants from across the community to enhance the fundraising skills of newer and smaller nonprofit staff and leaders who may not otherwise have access to quality training.
Our Learning Circles build relationships and foster peer learning. There, you meet with other nonprofit leaders monthly for six months. We have convened circles for CEOs/EDs, board chairs, and leadership chief financial officers. See our Calendar/Events page for details on circles of interest to you.
CNPE’s BoardMatch site serves as a kind of “dating service” to match individuals with a passion to serve with nonprofits who need those skills.
Fill out the contact form for more help.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
CNPE’s Community Activation Network (CAN) can be your primary networking vehicle. Begun in the fall of 2019, the group convenes every month on Zoom to consider pressing issues. Get details here.
Our School for Fundraising & Engagement has brought together both mentors and participants from across the community to enhance the fundraising skills of newer and smaller nonprofit staff and leaders who may not otherwise have access to quality training.
Our Learning Circles build relationships and foster peer learning. There, you meet with other nonprofit leaders monthly for six months. We have convened circles for CEOs/EDs, board chairs, and leadership chief financial officers. See our Calendar/Events page for details on circles of interest to you.
CNPE’s BoardMatch site serves as a kind of “dating service” to match individuals with a passion to serve with nonprofits who need those skills.
Fill out the contact form for more help.
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502-315-CNPE (2673)
Mailing Address
325 W. Main Street
Waterfront Plaza Suite 150
Louisville, KY, US 40202
Note: We work on a hybrid schedule.
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Center for Nonprofit Excellence